EF Stories: Yoshida from Japan at EF Sydney
1. Please can you briefly introduce yourself?
I am a sophomore student in the nursing department at a high school. I am the first from my family to go abroad.
2. Why did you decide to study abroad?
I had always wanted to go abroad. Initially I wanted to study overseas after becoming an adult, but considering the valuable experience that I would have, I consulted my family about going earlier as a high school student. I thought it would be an even more unique experience to pay for airline tickets and tuition fees little by little with my part-time job. That's why I was looking for a country with reasonable cost, and Australia was recommended to me .
3. Was there anything that left you a long lasting impression while studying abroad?
Although it was my first time abroad, I had got help from many people and felt a lot of warmth and care. Quite a few students in my class were older than me, so I had a hard time fitting in at first. But my classmates invited me to play with them on days off, and I enjoyed playing beach volleyball with a large group of people and spending time with friends. I feel happy when I look at the photos.
4. What do you think of Sydney?
I participated EF's study abroad preparation party before departure, so even though it was my first time abroad, I was able to smoothly adapt to the life there. I interacted with animals in the zoo that can't be seen in Japan, and also played with friends outdoor.
5. What was it like to take English courses with EF overseas?
Although there were many Japanese students in the class since it was a group study abroad, I had a strong impression that everyone was working on the coursework without using their native language. There was a lot of group studies, and I can choose and rotate my seat everyday, so I was able to quickly remember the faces of my classmates.
6. Did you stay in a host family or a student dormitory?
I stayed with a host family. They confirmed their family members with me by email before my departure, and I had prepared souvenirs based on it. They were very happy. I think it's important to actively communicate with the host family about where to go. They gave me a ride to the zoo once.
7. Have you changed after studying abroad, and do you have any dreams or goals for future after it?
Even I've done it already, I still want to study abroad in future. The experience was such a great inspiration to me. Being able to live abroad alone and ask for directions in a new environment gave me confidence that I could do anything by myself, and I want to further expand my possibilities.