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Fun facts

4 posts
50 more incredible facts to make you seem cultured
7 min read 7 min

So, you want to impress your pals? Have the air of someone who is well-traveled, well-read, and would be great in a pub quiz? Well, you’re in the righ...

50 unbelievable facts about the world to make you seem cultured
7 min read 7 min

Have you ever sat around the table with friends or family, enjoying a perfectly acceptable lunch or dinner, and listened – powerless – as the conversa...

9 reasons why English rules
3 min read 3 min

Go anywhere in the world and you’ll find someone who speaks English. Today, learning English has become essential for communication and access to oppo...

10 more fantastic facts about languages
4 min read 4 min

The wonderful world of language learning offers us endless opportunities for growth and communication and is rooted in a great deal of rich history. L...