EF SET score

The EF SET English Certificate is scored on a scale of 0 to 100 overall which includes both listening and reading skills. The EF SET Quick English Check is scored on a 3 level scale: low, medium, and high. Students who complete the EF SET receive a score on a 0 to 100 scale in reading, a score on a 0 to 100 scale in listening, and an overall score, also from 0 to 100. The reading and listening sections of the EF SET are equally weighted in calculating the score. The overall EF SET score is an average of the two section scores.

Score benchmarks

EF SET scores correspond to CEFR levels and both the EF SET score and CEFR equivalency are given on test result reports. The EF SET is a standardized English test that measures across all proficiency levels with comparable accuracy, while most English tests measure the middle levels accurately but cannot measure beginner and advanced students as accurately.

EF SET English Certificate scores have been shown to correlate to TOEFL and IELTS score bands. This means that the EF SET English Certificate scores measure English listening and reading skills as well these other two tests.


EF SET scores do not expire and can be published directly to LinkedIn as an English certification. These scores can also be used in a professional setting, on CVs or in a job interview. EF Labs also uses anonymized EF SET scores to create the annual EF English Proficiency Index.